External Funding

During the 2020-2021 academic year, members of the Edmond J. Safra Center successfully obtained funding from major agencies to support their innovative research. Highlights are listed below. The total matching funds  received this year stands at $3,016,000

Israel Science Foundation (ISF)

  • $250,000 to Dr. Yafit Gabay (2022-2026) Exploring perceptual category learning in developmental dyslexia.
  • $254,000 to Dr. Amit Yashar (2018-2023) Investigation of visual attention and perceptual learning in visual crowding.
  • $260,000 to Prof. Anat Prior and Dr. Tamar Degani (2018-2023) Wahad (1), Shtaim (2), Three (3): Cross-language influences and cognitive control in third language processing.
  • $140,000 to Prof. Asaid Khateb (2019-2023) Brain correlates of accuracy-disabled vs rate-disabled reading: A behavioral and event-related potential study.
  • $350,000 to Prof. Bat- Sheva Hadad (2020-2025) Inferred perception in Autism.
  • $300,000 to Prof. Orly Rubinsten (2019-2023) Math anxiety effects on problem solving: A metacognitive perspective.
  • $229,000 to Prof. David Share (2020-2023) Keeping an eye on effort: A pupillometric investigation of effort and effortlessness in typical and disabled readers’ visual word recognition.

Israel Ministry of Education

  • $123,000 to Dr. Noga Cohen, Dr. Joy Benatov & Dr. Dana Lassri (2021-2022) Well-being of kindergarten children and teachers during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Bial Foundation

  • $54,000 to Prof. Aviva Berkovich-Ohana and Dr. Yair Dor-Ziderman (2021-2022) Understanding the brain mechanisms of death-denial for fostering mindfulness-based existential resilience.

DFG – German Science Foundation

  • $380,000 to Prof. Anat Prior, Prof. Shuly Wintner, and Prof. Anke Ludeling (2018-2022) Cross-lingual varieties: A multi-faceted investigation

The Public Health and Safety Organization (NSF) – United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF)

  • $280,000 to Yafit Gabay, Prof. Avi Karni, and Prof. Lori Holt (2018-2022) Auditory category learning.

The National Institute for Psychobiology in Israel

  • $50,000 to Dr. Noga Cohen & Dr. Noam Weinbach (2021-2023) How emotion regulation strategies influence the physiological reaction to food in women with bulimia nervosa.

United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF)

  • $230,000 to Dr. Bat-Sheva Hadad and Dr. N. Russo, (2021-2025) Development of inferred perception in autism.

Joy Ventures

  • $20,000 to Dr. Noga Cohen & Dr. Reout Arbel (2021-2022) Helping others as a coping strategy with stress.
  • $40,000 to Dr. Yafit Gabay, Dr. Shai Gabay & Dr. Uri Hertz (2021-2023) Overcoming Habits by Stimulating the Brain’s Gaze Control Network.

Promobilia Foundation

  • $25,000 to Dr. Sarit Szpiro (2020-2022) Augmented Reality Cues to Aid Mobility of Low Vision People.

Edmond De Rotshchild Foundation

  • $31,000 to Dr. Orly Lipka, Prof. Vered Vaknin & Dr. Miri Sarid (2021-2022) The influence of COVID-19 in Israel on students at the academia and youngers who are at risk.