The Art of Capturing Human Learning

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  • Presentations by Doctoral Students of the Research Center at the ICERI 2023 Conference in Seville, Spain

    The Research Students Presented their Research Findings at the 15th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation in Seville, Spain, Click for Presentation Details and Photos.

  • יום העיון השנתי של החוג ללקויות למידה ומרכז אדמונד י. ספרא לחקר המוח בלקויות למידה, 25.5.22

     "מעגלים נסגרים: מחקר, הערכה והוראה" במהלכו הוענק פרס מפעל חיים לגב’ דליה הלוי דרזנר מפמ”ר עברית בחינוך הקדם-יסודי והיסודי

  • The longitudinal research seminar – 17.1.23

    The Learning Session "Starting from Kindergarten: Insights into Linguistic, Quantitative and Cognitive Development" was Focused on Findings From the Largest Longitudinal study in Israel in Hebrew and Arabic, which Follows Children from Kindergarten to the end of Elementary School.

    Click for more Details

    The main goals of the Edmond J. Safra Brain Research Center are to generate cutting-edge research that informs usable innovative knowledge about learning and learning disabilities in diverse populations of children in Israel.